We believe that the Lord, Himself, caused our Constitution to be written, and our Nation to be founded upon the principles it sets forth, and we believe we will each be held accountable for how we support our Constitution. Yesterday, our local leader ended this remarks by saying in effect "This week, and particularly on Thursday, as the Justices of the Supreme Court meet to decide this issue, I ask that each of you will pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of those Justices: that they will be blessed with courage to uphold the oath they took to sustain the Constitution, and with the wisdom and integrity to honor the voice of the people. We have done all that we can do. The battle is now the Lord's."
And he quoted Goliath taunting little David, and David's response, "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied." (1 Samuel 17:45)
Our God has all power, both in Heaven and in Earth. He lives; He loves us; He hears our prayers.

Please join us in beseeching the Throne of Grace to intercede now, as He has so many times in the past. We HAVE done all that we can do. Now, it is up to our All-powerful God to bless Ken Starr (who is presenting the case on behalf of Proposition 8) with abilities beyond his own as he argues on behalf of marriage and family before the California Supreme Court, and to soften or otherwise touch the hearts of those judges, that they will remember the oaths they have sworn: to uphold the constitutional law of the land, and render a verdict in favor of Proposition 8 and the will of the people of California.
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