It's good to be home again! When I left, it was still looking like winter: the roses were pruned down to stumps; there were no flowers to speak of in my garden; the trees had virtually no leaves. And while I was in NY, it snowed several times, and I was reminded how much i enjoy watching snow fall from the comfort of a warm house, and how much I hate having to walk or drive in the stuff.
When I got home on Monday night, it seemed that every flower had heard I was coming back, and made an extra effort to put forth colorful blooms to welcome me home.
And the cats were overjoyed to see me, too!
Even little Molly came out from under the bed to traipse happily across my body, tail waving like a flag, before she settled down next to me and wouldnt' be budged.

And terrified Tribble parked herself on the end of the bed and purred LOUDLY for TWO SOLID HOURS. I haven't heard her do that since she decided we weren't going to take her back to the pound!

Didn't get a chance to see Brrryanna until the next day, but she hasn't let me out of her sight since.
I think I was missed!
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